9 Foods to Avoid on a Cruise

Set Sail Without Stomach Troubles

When you're on a cruise, the last thing you want is to feel unwell or have your vacation spoiled by digestive troubles. While cruises offer a wide variety of delicious foods, some choices might not be the best for your health or comfort.

9 Foods to Avoid When On a Cruise

1. Heavy, Greasy Foods

Foods like deep-fried items, burgers and pizza can be rich and heavy. They may lead to indigestion or an upset stomach, especially when you’re moving around the ship.

2. Overly Spicy Foods

Spicy dishes can cause heartburn or discomfort for some people. If you’re not used to spicy food, it’s best to avoid it or enjoy it in moderation.

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3. Rich Desserts

Desserts like chocolate cakes, creamy pastries and ice creams can be high in sugar and fat. They might make you feel sluggish or uncomfortable.

4. Raw Seafood

While seafood is a popular cruise food, raw options like sushi or sashimi can carry a higher risk of foodborne illness, especially if not prepared properly.

5. Unpasteurized Dairy Products

Cheese and other dairy items that aren’t pasteurized can pose a risk of foodborne illness. Stick to pasteurized options to be safe.

6. Overly Processed Foods

Foods high in preservatives, like processed meats and packaged snacks, might be hard on your digestive system and can make you feel bloated.

7. High-Caffeine Drinks

Excessive coffee, energy drinks or caffeinated sodas can dehydrate you and disrupt your sleep, affecting your overall comfort.

8. Alcohol in Excess

While a drink or two can be enjoyable, overindulging in alcohol can lead to dehydration, poor sleep and an upset stomach. Drink in moderation to avoid these issues.

9. Large Portions of Foods

Eating very large portions at once can lead to bloating and discomfort. It’s better to enjoy smaller, more frequent meals to maintain comfort.

Tips for a Comfortable Cruise

  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated and help with digestion.
  • Balance your meals: Aim for a mix of protein, vegetables and whole grains to keep your diet balanced.
  • Listen to your body: Pay attention to how certain foods make you feel and adjust your choices accordingly.
  • Consult staff: If you have dietary restrictions or concerns, let the cruise staff know in advance.

Foods to Avoid While Cruising

By being mindful of what you eat, you can enjoy your cruise without the discomfort that certain foods might bring. Bon voyage!