Best and Worst Travel Insurance Plans

Safeguard Your Journey

Traveling is an adventure that brings a mix of experiences, ranging from discovering new cultures to creating lasting memories. However, the unpredictability of travel can also mean unexpected mishaps, from trip cancellations to medical emergencies. Travel insurance is an essential consideration for any traveler, offering peace of mind and significant protection against unforeseen events. For residents of the United Kingdom, there are numerous travel insurance options available, each with its own set of benefits and limitations. In this article, we'll discuss some of the best and worst travel insurance plans available, to help you make an informed decision for your next journey.

Best Travel Insurance Plans

1. Post Office Travel Insurance

Post Office Travel Insurance is a company that offers insurance products for travelers. As part of the UK's Post Office Group, it provides coverage for various aspects of travel.


  • Offers a range of policy options that cater to different types of travelers, from single-trip plans to annual multi-trip coverage.
  • Policies can cover an extensive range of activities, including winter sports and adventure sports.
  • Provides options for pre-existing medical conditions coverage.
  • Offers a 24/7 medical assistance line for travelers abroad.


  • Some customers have reported slow claims processing.
  • Premiums may be higher for those seeking comprehensive coverage.

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2. World Nomads

World Nomads Travel Insurance is a specialized travel insurance provider known for catering to the needs of adventurous and independent travelers.


  • Highly regarded for their cover for a wide range of adventure activities.
  • Policies are flexible, allowing travelers to extend coverage mid-trip and make claims online while traveling.


  • The coverage limit may not be as high as some other providers for expensive items.
  • Some reports of strict claim documentation requirements.

3. Liverpool Victoria

Liverpool Victoria, commonly known as LV, is a well-established insurance company that offers a range of insurance products, including travel insurance.


  • Offers different levels of coverage to suit different budgets and needs, including last-minute travel.
  • Provides a 24-hour emergency helpline for travelers.
  • No upper age limit on single-trip policies, making it ideal for older travelers.


  • Winter sports coverage is an add-on, not included in standard policies.
  • Annual policies have a maximum trip duration, which may not suit long-stay travelers.

4. InsureandGo

InsureandGo is a travel insurance company specializing in covering various travel-related risks.


  • Provides various policies including single-trip, annual multi-trip and backpackers insurance.
  • Coverage includes a variety of activities and sports, along with gadget cover.
  • Policies can cover children under 18 for free when traveling with a parent or grandparent.


  • Some policyholders have experienced issues with claims service.
  • May offer a different level of medical coverage than some other high-end insurers.

Worst Travel Insurance Plans

It is important to note that labeling any travel insurance plan as 'the worst' can be subjective, as it often depends on personal experience, specific needs and expectations. However, certain plans receive more complaints or negative reviews, which may highlight areas where they fall short compared to their competitors. Here are a few that may have pitfalls to consider.

1. Cheap Travel Insurance Options (Various Providers)

Be wary of insurance companies who provide low-cost insurance quotes. They often provide very limited coverage, with high excesses making claims less worthwhile. These plans may exclude many common activities or have numerous restrictions, causing inconvenience to travelers. These types of companies also tend to have customer service and claims support that are less robust than more established or premium insurers.

2. Bank Travel Insurance (Offered as Account Perks)

Many banks will offer you travel insurance as an account perk, but the coverage is often very basic unless you opt for a high-tier account which may have monthly fees. These plans may also have age limits and restrictions on pre-existing conditions that are not suitable for all travelers. In addition, the claims process can be less straightforward, with rigorous terms and conditions.

3. No-name Online Travel Insurance

Travel insurance plans from unrecognizable online companies are lesser-known providers that may lack reputability and reliability. Some may not offer adequate customer support in the event of a claim or issue, and their policies may be riddled with exclusions that aren't obvious until a claim is made.

Tips for Choosing the Right Travel Insurance Plan

Here are some factors to consider when choosing a plan for your adventure.

Understand your needs: Before choosing travel insurance, assess your trip type, destination, activities planned and personal health situation.

Check for exclusions: Read the fine print to understand what is not covered.

Consider your trip cost: If you invested a substantial amount on your trip, consider a comprehensive plan that covers cancellations and interruptions.

24/7 emergency assistance: Look for plans that offer round-the-clock assistance

Check reviews and ratings: Before purchasing, check customer reviews and ratings for insight into the insurer’s customer service and claims process.

Understand the claims process: Familiarize yourself with the claims process and what documentation is required.

Final Notes

Travel insurance is a small price to pay for the security it provides. By considering the pros and cons of these different plans, and assessing your individual needs, you can choose the right travel insurance plan for your next trip. Always remember to review policy details carefully, plan for the unexpected and travel with peace of mind knowing you have the right coverage in place.

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